Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Death in the Hood

It finally felt like fall (unlike this freeze-warning bullshit that's been going on) and I was soaking it up on my walk with Bruiser this evening. Then I heard this off-key whistling, I think you know who that is. She came out of nowhere! Or maybe the side of the building, I don't know. Anyways, it was our dearest Grapefruit with Mr. L, who is the cutest little man who lives two doors down from me. He is precious and I want to hug him and have him make me lemonade and sit on his porch and listen to his war stories. That kind of cute.
We make the normal exciting neighbor talk ("The weather's great!" "They replaced the roofs on the condos across the street!"), and then Grapefruit tells me her dog is ill. I think she said this because he was running like hell from my dog who was trying to sniff his ass and she was trying to make me feel better about the rejection. Being the dork (nosey) person I am, I asked what was wrong.

G: Well he's got this raspy little cough.
Me: Did you take him to the vet?
G: Yes, they gave me medicine but I can't give it to him.
Me: Is it liquid or pills?
G: Liquid.
Me: Have you tried putting it in his food?
G: He won't let me.
Me: Oh, um, ok. Have you tried a dropper?
G: He's too strong. (The dog is about 12 lbs. and is 14 years old)
Me: Well Grapefruit your dog is fucked. (Just kidding!)

Grapefruit and Mr. L then began telling me about the previous people who occupied my home. They apparently rented from the person I bought from, and sounded like a lot of fun. For instance, one evening, the man who lived here got drunk and broke into several people's homes thinking they were his. This makes me feel like the Angel Neighbor.

To add more fun to the Previous Neighbors Game, Grapefruit and Mr. L then told me all about the people in my row of condos (there's 6 to a row) who used to live here. And died here. And they told me what order they died in. Which is information I did not really need to know. (Mine died 5 years ago, FYI.)

Grapefruit also said she is still planning on moving in December. I better get in more quality time!